AutoNation is dedicated to protecting your personal information and identity. Please follow the instructions below to safely confirm your identity and information.
Select the Reason for your document submission:
Tips for Submitting Documents:
- Follow the instructions closely to select the correct document(s) to submit.
- Take clear photos or scans of all documents, showing all four corners of the page.
- Ensure all the requested information is clearly shown within your submission and that the information matches your account information (name, date of birth, address, etc.).
- Redact sensitive information, such as passwords or unrelated account numbers that are not part of the specifically requested information.
- Unclear images, incorrect documents, unaccepted formats or incomplete information can result in delays in the review process.
Note: Depending on the type of documents requested, review generally takes between 1-4 business days.
I’m trying to check out to get a car or get prequalified:
Select the Document you are being asked for:
I’m trying to update my account information
Select the Document you are being asked for:
Proof of Residence
Accepted Documents:
- Utility Bill - Energy, water, trash, sewer or gas bill dated within the last 90 days
- Residential Lease Agreement - most recent available
- Bank, Loan or Credit Card Statement - dated within the last 90 days
- Rental or Mortgage agreement - dated within the last 90 days
- Pay stub - dated within the last 90 days
Document must include:
- Full name (as it matches your driver’s license)
- Full residential address (as it matches the address you are submitting)
- All pages of the document must be included
Proof of Identity
Accepted Documents:
- United States Passport
- United States Visa
Document must include:
- Full name (as it matches your driver’s license)
- Date of Birth (as it matches your driver’s license)
Proof of Income
Accepted Documents:
- If Self Employed:
- 2 most recent personal bank statements showing direct deposit
- Tax returns from last 2 years
- If Employed
- Tax Returns/W2 from last 2 years
- 3 most recent pay stubs
- 2 most recent personal bank statements showing direct deposit
- If Unemployed/Retired
- 2 most recent personal bank statements showing direct deposit
- Benefits letter
Document must include:
- Full name (as it matches your driver’s license)
- Time period, currency and amount of income
- All pages of the document must be included
I need to upload my proof of insurance:
Please see the Insurance article for more information and instructions on how to upload your proof of insurance.
I need to upload a citation, ticket or toll:
Please see the Citations, Tickets and Tolls article for more information.
I need to upload a registration or DMV related document:
Please see the License Plates & Registration article for more information and instructions on how to upload your registration related documents.
Other - I need to upload a document that is not listed in this article:
For more assistance, please contact our support team.